What Is a Slot?


A narrow depression, groove, notch, or slit, especially one for receiving something, such as a coin or letter. Also used: a place or position, as in a series or sequence; an assignment or job opening: I applied for the slot on the copy desk.

In a modern electronic slot machine, the symbol that appears on the pay line has a different probability of occurring than the symbols on other reels. This is because microprocessors make it possible to weight symbols. The result is that a single symbol may appear much more frequently on a given reel than it would if all the symbols on that reel were random. This makes it appear to the player that the machine is “so close” to a winning combination, when in fact the probability of such a combination is much lower than it would be if all symbols were equally likely.

On electromechanical slot machines, this is often indicated by a light above or below the spin button. In video slot machines, it is typically displayed in a credit meter or similar display. The light can flash to indicate that a change is needed, that hand pay is requested, or that there is a problem with the machine.

Many states regulate the private ownership of slot machines. In addition to regulating the type and number of slots, some regulate their physical appearance and operation. Some state laws also restrict the location of slot machines. For example, servicemembers who deploy to military bases may not be allowed to play slot machines.