What is a Casino?


A casino is a place where people gamble on games of chance or skill. It can also contain nongambling attractions like restaurants, bars and swimming pools. It can be very flashy, with bright lights and a lot of gambling options. Many casinos offer free drinks and stage shows to attract players. A casino can be found in nearly every country around the world.

Most casino games are played against the house, which makes a profit from the players’ losses. The house advantage is usually a small percentage of the total amount wagered. The house edge can be reduced by learning the game rules and playing conservatively. In games where the player competes against other players, such as poker, the house takes a cut of the pot, known as the rake.

Casinos often reward loyal customers with complimentary items or “comps.” These may include hotel rooms, meals, tickets to shows and even airline travel. Players should ask a casino employee or information desk how to qualify for comps.

The Casino Industry

Casino industry research indicates that in 2005 the average casino patron was a forty-six-year-old female from a household with above-average income. The majority of casino gamblers had some college education.

There are over 100 million Americans who are 21 or older, and many of them have visited a casino. Casinos range from the glittering mega-casinos on the Las Vegas Strip to the pai gow parlors of New York’s Chinatown. While some casinos add a lot of luxury features to lure gamblers, such as restaurants and stage shows, others depend on the familiarity of games like black jack and roulette to keep their regulars coming back.