How Playing Poker Can Improve Your Education and Career


Poker is a game played between two or more players and involves betting in which each player has the opportunity to place chips into the pot, called raising. Depending on the game variant, one or more players may be required to make forced bets before the deal, known as an ante. After the antes are placed, the dealer shuffles the cards and deals each player a hand. After the first bet, each player is allowed to call, fold or raise. In some games, players may be permitted to check (stay in the hand without betting).

Improves Math Skills

There’s no doubt about it; poker will sharpen your math skills. Poker players quickly learn to calculate odds in their head – not just the standard 1+1=2 kind of odds, but the percentages involved in the probability of making your hand versus your opponent’s. This knowledge can help you decide when to bet and when to fold in the face of your opponents’ aggression.

Teaches Emotional Control

Poker is not for the faint of heart, and learning to be emotionally stable in changing situations is a valuable skill that will carry over into other areas of life. The ability to read other players’ tells and suppress your emotions is an important part of the game, and observing how experienced players react to various situations can help you develop these skills.

Poker can also improve your reading and comprehension abilities by forcing you to analyze the situation at a glance and think critically about how to play your hand. This can be helpful in school and in your job, as it will help you make quick decisions under pressure.